Hyderabad to Rameswaram

   Hyderabad to Rameswaram Road Distance 1,138 km
   Hyderabad to Rameswaram Aerial Distance 905 km
  Hyderabad to Rameswaram Travel Time 17 hours 52 mins

How to reach Rameswaram from Hyderabad

The total distance between Hyderabad and Rameshwaram is 1196 kms and that can easily be traversed in flights, trains and buses. Since there is no airport in Rameshwaram, the next nearest flight option is in Madurai which is around 149 kms from here. So you will have to take a combination of flights and buses or any other public transport to reach here. There are also trains available that can directly bring you to Rameshwaram. We have compiled an elaborate account of travel options from Hyderabad to Rameshwaram. Read on to find out more.

Knowing The Details

1. Hyderabad to Rameshwaram in Flight and Bus
2. Hyderabad to Rameshwaram in Train
3. Hyderabad to Rameshwaram in Train and Bus
4. Hyderabad to Rameshwaram in Bus
5. Popular Routes to Rameswaram
6. Popular Routes from Hyderabad
7. Places to Visit in Rameswaram
8. Hotels in Rameswaram

Rameswaram Travel Packages

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1. Hyderabad to Rameshwaram in Flight and Bus

Hyderabad Airport

There is no airport in Rameshwaram so there is no chance of a direct flight from Hyderabad to Rameshwaram. But the nearest airport is in Madurai, which is just 149 kms from Rameshwaram. However, there are very few direct flights that fly on the route. So although they take less time, they cost a lot more. On the other hand, the Stop Over or Via flights cost less but take a long time. So make sure to check thoroughly before you make the reservations.

Departure Airport: Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
Arrival Airport: Madurai International Airport
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 3865
Approx. Time Taken: 1 hour and 50 minutes

Once you land in Madurai, there are several buses that run from here to Rameshwaram. The distance of around 150 kms is covered in 3 to 4 hours. The ticket prices vary depending on the seats and schedule.

Starting Ticket Prices: INR 200
Approx. Time Taken: 3 hours to 4 hours

2. Hyderabad to Rameshwaram in Train

Hyderabad Railway Station

The total distance between Hyderabad and Rameshwaram can be covered in a train only. But there is only one single train that is available from Hyderabad to Rameshwaram, which runs only on Wednesdays. Have a look at the details.

Train Name: Rameswaram Exp
Boarding Station: Kacheguda
Deboarding Station: Rameswaram
Frequency of Train: Wed Only
Approx. Ticket Fares: INR 575
Approximate Train Duration: 25 hours 40 minutes

3. Hyderabad to Rameshwaram in Train and Bus

Madurai Bus Stand

Hyderabad to Madurai to Rameshwaram

In case, the single direct train option from Hyderabad to Rameshwaram does not suit you, there is another option. You can take a train from Hyderabad to Madurai which is just 149 kms from Rameshwaram. Unfortunately, again, there are only two trains running between Hyderabad to Madurai,a s well. Have a look at the details.

Train 1: KCG MDU Exp

Boarding Station: Kacheguda
Deboarding Station: Madurai Jn
Frequency of Train: Sat Only
Approx. Ticket Fares: INR 565
Approximate Train Duration: 24 hours 15 minutes

Train 2: Rameswaram Exp

Boarding Station: Kacheguda
Deboarding Station: Madurai Jn
Frequency of Train: Wed Only
Approx. Ticket Fares: INR 530
Approximate Train Duration: 22 hours 05 minutes

Once you deboard at Madurai, you will have to take a bus to Rameshwaram. These buses take 3 to 4 hours to drop you to the destination. For details, refer to the section above.

4. Hyderabad to Rameshwaram in Bus

Hyderabad Bus Stand

You can also cover the entire distance from Hyderabad to Rameshwaram in a bus. However, since the distance is a little large, there is no direct bus from one place to the other. On the bright side, there are interconnecting buses from Hyderabad to Rameshwaram via Madurai. So you can atleast cover the entire distance only in a bus. You find several buses during the say both between Hyderabad and Madurai and also between Madurai and Rameshwaram.

Route 1: Hyderabad to Madurai

Starting Ticket Fares: INR 1900
Approx. Time Taken: 14 hours to 17 hours

Route 2: Madurai to Rameshwaram

Starting Ticket Prices: INR 200
Approx. Time Taken: 3 hours to 4 hours

Popular Routes to Rameswaram

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
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Bangalore to Rameswaram 9 hours 57 mins 570 km
Mumbai to Rameswaram 23 hours 29 mins 1,557 km
Delhi to Rameswaram 1 day 17 hours 2,735 km
Hyderabad to Rameswaram 17 hours 52 mins 1,138 km
Ernakulam to Rameswaram 10 hours 14 mins 433 km

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