Built in the 3rd century, the world renowned Sanchi Stupa is a remnant of Sanchi's glorious past. Also a World Heritage Site, this stupa speaks volumes of Sanchi's rich cultural and architectural grandeur and the rich legacy of buddhist aesthetics.
Amongst the various historical monuments which stand tall in Sanchi after centuries of being constructed, the Great Bowl or the Grand Gumbha is a large block of stone which was used to distribute food and other things to Buddhist Monks.
This pillar was put up in the 3rd century and its structure is influenced by the Greco Buddhist style. A remnant of Sanchi's ancient history, this pillar still stands strong and appears newly built despite being centuries old. It also resembles the Sarnath pillar a lot.
The four Gateways in Sanchi were constructed in 35 BC and they beautifully depict the different facets of Lord Buddha's life. The Eastern gateway shows the various stages of his journey, starting from his birth as a royal to his path of enlightenment.
Udayagiri mean the mountain of the sunrise, a historical Hindu ritual site home to twenty rock-cut caves near Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh. Vishnu Padagiri is the otherwise known name of the place meaning "the feet of Vishnu". They are extensively carved with iconographies of Hindu Gods, namely Vishnu, Durga and Shiva containing legendary stories of the Gods and their Shrines. Udayagiri hills hold twen (Read More)ty caves dedicated to Hinduism and Jainism sculptures from the Gupta Era. Among which the most prominent one is the fifth cave which is famous for the ancient monumental statue of Lord Vishnu in his incarnation as the Boar-Headed Varaha rescuing Bhudevi (earth).
Located initially on a hilltop near the Sanchi Stupa by Sir John Marshall in 1919, the Sanchi museum, now preserved and maintained by the ASI at the foothill of the Stupa, houses many unique and interesting Buddhist artefacts that were discovered during the clearance and excavation done at Sanchi. The museum became open for public in 1966, when the museum was shifted. Its expanse is over 6.3 acres (Read More) of land and houses a main hall and 4 galleries, consisting of artefacts and objects datable from the 3rd to the 12th century BC.