How to Reach Tungnath

The nearest airport to Tungnath is the Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, while the nearest railhead is at Rishikesh. Regular buses are available from nearby cities.

How to reach Tungnath by flight

Jolly Grant Airport is the nearest airbase to Tungnath about 260 km away. Once reached Dehradun, take taxi or bus till Chopta. From there begin the trek of nearly 3.5 km to Tungnath.

Nearest Airport: Dehradun - 116 kms from Tungnath

Search for flights to Dehradun

How to reach Tungnath by road

State-owned buses and private buses run regularly to and fro from the neighbouring cities and states to Chopta. If you are traveling from Delhi to Chopta, you have to cover a distance of nearly 448 km on road and remaining 3.5 km on foot till Tungnath. The trek from Chopta to Tungnath can be easily covered in 2-3 hours.

How to reach Tungnath by train

The nearest railway station to Tungnath id Haridwar which lies at a distance of 225 km from Chopta. Taxi or buses are available outside the station till Chopta from where the journey begins on foot. Tungnath can be reached through the Kund-Gopeshwar road.

Local transport in Tungnath

If you are visiting to Tungnath, it is very much possible that most of the time you will be trekking your way through the mountains. Apart from that if you want to go around the village, taxis are easily available to commute from one destination to another.

Tungnath Photos

Tungnath, Uttarakhand
Tungnath Temple

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