Best Time To Visit Xi'an

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What is the best time to visit Xi'an ?

Xi'an mostly has a moderate climate and the average yearly temperature is 13.5 degrees celsius. Although the spring and summer months are the best times to visit, autumn months make for a good visiting time too right upto October.

Weather in Xi'an


Upcoming Xi'an Weather

Monthly Weather in Xi'an

Month High/Low (°C) Rain
January 9°/ -2° 2 days
February 15°/ 0° 1 days
March 21°/ 6° 2 days
April 24°/ 9° 2 days
May 27°/ 14° 4 days
June 31°/ 19° 6 days
July 34°/ 22° 6 days
August 33°/ 21° 9 days
September 27°/ 16° 8 days
October 20°/ 11° 6 days
November 16°/ 4° 0 days
December 12°/ -1° 0 days

Top Hotels In Xi'an

Xi'an Photos

Xi'an , China
Terracotta Warriors and Horse Museum
Xian City Wall

+ 7

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