Sunset Dhow Cruise in Zanzibar

Weather :

Tags : Boating & Cruises

Timings : Usually starts from 03:00 PM to 07:00 PM

Time Required : 1 - 2 hours

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Sunset Dhow Cruise in Zanzibar, Zanzibar Overview

Sunset dhow cruises are a popular activity for tourists in Zanzibar. You can enjoy watching the sunset from traditional wooden dhows as they sail along the coastline. These cruises are available in places like Stone Town, Nungwi, and Kendwa, offering a serene experience on the calm waters of Zanzibar.

Passengers can relax on board, sip refreshments, and admire the golden hues of the sunset as the dhow sails smoothly through the calm waters. A sunset dhow cruise in Zanzibar offers two options: private or sharing, depending on your preferences and budget. For families, we recommend the private boat option for a more personalized experience. It's an unforgettable experience, perfect for ending a day in Zanzibar.

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