Weather :
Distance from Delhi : 729 km
Nearest Major City : Manali
Hikkim is a village located in the Spiti and Lahaul Valley. At a distance of 46 kms from Kaza, this tiny village is home to the highest post office in the world. The office was opened in 1983 and has had the same postmaster, Rinchen Chhering, since its opening. Tourists visiting the office can send their loved ones a postcard or letter from here, making it a valuable piece of memorabilia to hold on to.
The village is also home to a number of fossils which are unique to the area. It is also located 2kms away from the village of Komic, making it a must visit place for those looking to explore the Spiti and Lahaul Valley.
Tourists looking to enjoy and learn the culture of the region can choose to stay with the locals, who provide homestay accommodation. As a result, one can enjoy the peaceful surroundings of this mountainous village tucked away in the Himalayas.