Though the Ministry had made known that tickets will be available from 4 PM at the IRCTC website, the said website failed to cater to the prospective passengers, until 6 PM of the same day, due to heavy traffic.
Even though necessary travels are allowed, it comes with a set of strict rules and regulations. Passengers are expected to comply with the Standard Operating System (SOP), issued by the Home Minister -
1. Passengers should install the Aarogya Setu application in their mobile phones.

2. They should reach their respective stations 90 minutes prior to the departing time.
3. Only those with confirmed e-tickets are allowed in the stations.
4. Screening is mandatory for each and every passenger.
5. If a passenger is found showing symptoms of COVID-19, he/she will not be allowed to board the train, despite having confirmed e-ticket.
6. All have to make use of face masks and covers.
7. Social distancing must be maintained, at the stations and in the trains as well.
8. Passengers should bring their own food items, bedsheets and blankets. None are made available by the Railways. However, packaged snacks can be bought from the catering service on board.
9. Sanitisers are provided at the stations and coaches.
Passengers have to adhere to the protocols prescribed by the Government of India, to avoid transmission of the virus.