Hi !
Good to see you here!
Ruling out the chances that you might have landed here because of some tireless tryst with destiny, endlessly uncoordinated scrolling and clicking, and we don’t even pop up where we are not needed, we are guessing that you are here because you found yourself using, relating to, explaining, chancing upon, reading, writing, hashtagging, highlighting and in some cases even doodling words like backpacker, couch-surf, wanderlust, itchy feet, fernweh, home-stay, road trip and the likes too much?
So if you’d love to write and contribute to Holidify, please fill the form below. Also drop a writing sample at [email protected].
Available Profiles in Writing for Holidify:
1. Guest Blogger: This is where you can share and write about your own travel ideas, odysseys, travelogues, experiences, adventures, escapes, trips, vacations, voyage (You get the drift), with a byline to call your own.
2. Content Writer: We choose a few highly talented writers to work on content for the destinations on our website (See Holidify.com). The work is project based and this is a paid profile.
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