How to Reach Dharamshala

The best way to reach Dharamshala is to take an overnight private bus from Delhi, which is 520 km away. An overnight train journey is an excellent option to reach Dharamshala. The nearest major railway station is at Pathankot which is 85 kilometres away.

Most frequently searched routes to Dharamshala

Route Name Distance Time
Amritsar to Dharamshala 202 km 4 hours 0 mins
Shimla to Dharamshala 239 km 6 hours 29 mins
Chandigarh to Dharamshala 247 km 5 hours 9 mins
Delhi to Dharamshala 476 km 8 hours 35 mins
Manali to Dharamshala 235 km 6 hours 33 mins

How to reach Dharamshala by flight

The nearest airport is Kangra Airport which is 15 km away from Dharamsala. Taxi/cab services are available from the Airport. International travellers have to reach Delhi Airport and then board a domestic flight to reach Dharamshala.

Nearest Airport: Jammu - 148 kms from Dharamshala

Search for flights to Jammu

How to reach Dharamshala by road

Buses are easily available connecting Dharamshala to the nearby cities. Direct private buses are available from Delhi which is 520 km away.

How to reach Dharamshala by train

The nearest railway station is Kangra Mandir at a distance of 22 km from Dharamsala. Though the major railway junction is Pathankot which is 85 km away from the same.

Local transport in Dharamshala

Commuting within Dharamshala is not tough though. Taxis and Buses are available easily. Buses are cheaper option for travelling. There are taxi stands available here. Once you reach Mcleodganj, it can be explored on foot. Walking from Mcleodganj to Bhagsu won't be very difficult either.

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Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh
St. John in the Wilderness Church
Dalai Lama Temple
St. John in the Wilderness Church

+ 18

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