How to Reach Palampur

The nearest broad guage railway station is in Pathankot which is 120 kms away from Palampur and the nearest narrow guage railway station is in Maranda which is 5 kms away. Buses and taxis are easily available for coommuting between destinations.

How to reach Palampur by flight

The nearest airport to Palampur is Gaggal Airport (also known as Kangra Airport) located in Gaggal, approximately 37 kilometers away. This airport has limited connectivity and operates mainly domestic flights. From Gaggal Airport, travelers can hire taxis or take buses to reach Palampur, which is about a 1-2 hour drive away.

Nearest Airport: Chandigarh Airport (IXC) - 162 kms from Palampur

Search for flights to Chandigarh Airport (IXC)

How to reach Palampur by road

Palampur is well-connected by roadways and can be reached via various routes:

From Delhi: The distance between Delhi and Palampur is approximately 480 kilometers, and the journey takes about 10-12 hours by road. Direct buses operated by Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) and private tour operators ply regularly between Delhi and Palampur.
From Chandigarh: Palampur is approximately 250 kilometers from Chandigarh, and the journey takes about 6-7 hours by road. Regular buses, taxis, and private cars are available from Chandigarh to Palampur.
From Dharamshala: Palampur is about 35 kilometers from Dharamshala, and the journey takes approximately 1-2 hours by road. Buses, taxis, and private cars are available from Dharamshala to Palampur.

How to reach Palampur by train

The nearest major railway station to Palampur is Pathankot Railway Station, located about 112 kilometers away. Pathankot is well-connected to major cities like Delhi, Chandigarh, and Amritsar. From Pathankot, travelers can hire taxis or take buses to reach Palampur, which is approximately a 3-4 hour journey by road.

Local transport in Palampur

Once in Palampur, local transportation options include taxis, auto-rickshaws, and buses for getting around the town and nearby attractions. Additionally, bicycles can be rented for exploring the scenic surroundings at a leisurely pace.

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