Best Time To Visit Matale

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What is the best time to visit Matale ?

March, April and May are the warmest times of the year while June, July and September are a pleasant, windy climate. There are immense things to do in Matale, such as sights to visits, treks to go on, shopping and food. So there is no particular time as such to be there. However November – February the climate is slightly on the cooler side with chances of rain. Diwali and Buddha Purnima are two unique festivals in Matale and have a warm festive vibe to its celebrations.

Weather in Matale


Upcoming Matale Weather

Monthly Weather in Matale

Month High/Low (°C) Rain
January 31°/ 19° 6 days
February 31°/ 19° 5 days
March 34°/ 20° 9 days
April 34°/ 21° 23 days
May 33°/ 22° 15 days
June 32°/ 24° 6 days
July 31°/ 22° 12 days
August 29°/ 22° 18 days
September 29°/ 22° 19 days
October 29°/ 21° 30 days
November 30°/ 21° 22 days
December 29°/ 20° 19 days

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Knuckles Mountain Range

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