How to Reach Murud Janjira

Roha railway station on the Konkan line is the nearest one which is connected by rail to Mumbai. Murud Janjira is connected to all major railheads through Mumbai. Roha to Murud Janjira takes about an hour by taxi service. The nearest airport is Mumbai International Airport which is 142 km away from Murud Janjira. A cab from Mumbai to Murud takes about Rs. 3200. Buses are also available from Pune, Thane, Borivli, Mumbai central and Dadar.

How to reach Murud Janjira by flight

While taking a flight, Chattrapati Shivaji Airport is the closest to this destination. It is approximately 100 km away. From the airport, a cab can be booked. The cost of the cab is approximately 3500 INR.

Nearest Airport: Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (BOM) - 88 kms from Murud Janjira

Search for flights to Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (BOM)

How to reach Murud Janjira by road

Murud is very well connected via roads. There are regular buses from Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai. If you are a budget travel this is a very decent option. If you like travelling according to your own schedule and time, taxi services are the best. You can also take outstation Ola and Uber. If you have a vehicle of your own, that is a very convenient and great option.

How to reach Murud Janjira by train

Roha is the closest station if you want to travel to Murud via train. The train frequency is good. On reaching Roha, there are cabs available which go to Murud. The cab ride is approximately of one hour.

Local transport in Murud Janjira

Its best to have your own vehicle. But if you don't, the auto rickshawas are the next best option.

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Murud Janjira Photos

Murud Janjira, Maharashtra
Janjira Fort
Murud Janjira Fort
Murud Beach

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