Key Metropolitans in India Under Threat
One such issue includes coastal flooding. A recent study conducted by New Jersey-based Climate Central suggests that Mumbai and Kolkata are on the global list of cities that will be wiped out due to coastal floods by 2050 as it is permanently below the high tide line.Approximate Statistics
About 30 crores of the world population and an estimated of 3.5 crores in India will lose their homes to high tide floods in the next 30 years. This global risk is three times higher than the earlier studies' estimates, while Indians are set to face seven times higher risk from the rising sea levels than previously believed.
New York Times Report
The New York Times report, based on the findings, said "The new projections suggest that much of Mumbai, India’s financial capital and one of the largest cities in the world, is at risk of being wiped out. Built on what was once a series of islands, the city’s historic downtown core is particularly vulnerable."What Are The Indian Authorities Saying
Indian scientist, Raj Bhagat Palanichamy, GIS and remote sensing expert, working on urban development and water resources, challenging the study stated that "the newly released elevation model and the risk scenarios have to be used with caution in the Indian context. The model has been trained and tested with datasets from the US and Australia which was later used to create a new terrain model for the entire globe and has not been tested in India with ground data."Countries at Risk
Last month's report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) floated an intimation stating the global sea levels to rise by at least 1 meter by 2100 if carbon emissions go unchecked. This would threaten hundreds of cities that are soon to submerge.The countries under the radar of coastal floods and submerging include China, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Japan.
Rising Sea Levels
According to the UN report, a minor rise of 50cm in the sea level will invite flooding of major ports cities risking the lives of millions around the world.While establishing a theory around this study, it is said that the lands housing 300 million people are under serious threat. These lands are reported to experience floods at least once a year even after the government attempts to make sharp cuts on emissions.
Shangai Predicted to Submerge
Shanghai, the heart of China will be at risk, along with other neighbouring cities. 10% of Thailand is predicted to submerge while Southern Vietnam will vanish completely.It is about time countries start containing carbon emissions as environmental concerns are rising indefinitely. What are your views on the issue? Let us know in the comments below!