How to Reach Dandeli

Dandeli is well connected by road with regular bus services connect this place to the rest of India. However, there is no direct rail or flight connectivity to Dandeli. The nearest railway station is Alnavar Junction, 23 km away from Dandeli. The nearest airport is in Hubli, 56 km away from Dandeli.

Most frequently searched routes to Dandeli

Route Name Distance Time
Bangalore to Dandeli 467 km 7 hours 23 mins
Chennai to Dandeli 820 km 12 hours 36 mins

How to reach Dandeli by flight

There is no airport in Dandeli but the nearest one is in Hubli, 56 km away. You can hire a taxi or rent a private vehicle to take you from the airport to Dandeli and vice versa. The next closest airport is in Belgaum, 66 km away. 

Nearest Airport: Goa International Airport - 85 kms from Dandeli

Search for flights to Goa International Airport

How to reach Dandeli by train

Ambewadi Railway Station is located in Dandeli but isn't connected to all major cities. The next major station is the Alnavar Junction, 34 km away. 

Local transport in Dandeli

The best way to experience the beauty of this place is on foot. River rafting as well as safari rides can also be organised here.

Top Hotels In Dandeli

Dandeli Photos

Dandeli, Karnataka
Malabar Pied Hornbill, Dandeli National Park
River Rafting in Dandeli
Kali Tiger Reserve

+ 18

See 61 Hotels