How to Reach Patnitop

At a distance of 110 km from Jammu, Patnitop can be reached by a local bus or taxi. The journey can take around 3-4 hours. The nearest railway station from Patnitop is in Udhampur and the other one is in Jammu. The nearest airport is also located in Jammu. Buses and taxis ply regularly from the airport and the railway station to Patnitop.

How to reach Patnitop by flight

The nearest civil airport is at Jammu. The distance between Jammu airport and Patnitop is around 110 km and it takes around 4 hrs to cover the distance by road. Air India, IndiGo, SpiceJet and other airlines have direct flights from Delhi and few other major cities to Jammu. Cabs and buses are easily available to reach the destination from the airport.

Nearest Airport: Jammu - 60 kms from Patnitop

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How to reach Patnitop by road

Patnitop is connected to all major cities of Jammu and Kashmir by state road transportation. Buses are frequent to Patnitop, especially from Jammu. Taxis and private coaches are also available for hire. The road network is quite good with stunning mountain landscape. However, hiring an experienced driver is recommended as the terrain is hilly with sharp turns. There are also bus services from Shimla, Srinagar and Chandigarh to Patnitop.

How to reach Patnitop by train

Closest railheads are also located in Jammu (Jammu Tawi) and Udhampur. There are many trains running from Delhi and Chandigarh to Jammu Tawi. There are trains from other parts of the country to Jammu Tawi as well.

Local transport in Patnitop

Being a small hill station,most of Patnitop can be seen around on foot. Should you be wanting to travel long distances, you can even hire a pony or hail a taxi.

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