UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Awards
The inception of the UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Awards took place in 2000. The set purpose of the awards is to stimulate the conservation of Cultural Heritage sites, which are regulated and taken care of by an individual organization under the private sector or institutional organization.India stood amongst the 5 countries and 16 projects which were recognized by the jury of conservation experts. The countries included Australia, Bhutan, China, India, and New Zealand. Award was merited to those which preserved their Heritage best.

A Brief History of the Heritage
Mumbai's Flora fountain commemorates the affliction of valiant people who lost their lives in the turbulent formation of Maharashtra. The structure was formed in 1864. Another of Mumbai's Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue is a preserved heritage of orthodox of Jewish synagogue which is reflective of Jewish traditions as well as Indian and English colonial influences.Lady of Glory Church of 1726 is a devotion to Our Lady of Health. Vikram Sarabhai Library which is located in the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) was formed in 1962. It is known to be established by the notable architect Louis Kahn.
Vikas Dilawari's Views
'It is a great moment for India, we hope this achievement and recognition by UNESCO will mean that both governments and people will give heritage conservation a chance' said the Mumbai based architect, who was one of the main consultants for the Flora Fountain restoration project. He hopes that with the rewards, India will turn sensitive towards its heritage sites and encourage conservation. It undoubtedly brings a sense of pride in the country.What are your views on the same? Let us know in the comments below!