With lockdown rules being relaxed last week, Nepal expects to see a lot more tourists taking part in climbing and trekking activities according to the Tourism Department of Nepal. The Nepal government is allowing international flights to arrive from 17th August onwards. The government takes this decision keeping in mind the COVID-19 situation in the country and is taking all the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of its tourists. Furthermore, rules are also being framed by authorities regarding the quarantine period tourists will have to follow after they land.

The organizers of the biggest expedition in Nepal are receiving calls regarding the rules that need to be adhered to in light of the pandemic. Experts have advised and warned tourists that September to November can be a perilous period due to high winds and low temperatures.
Expeditions carried out in Autumn 2019 were unproductive because of the hindrance caused by glacial ice hanging above the Khumbu Icefall. Trekkers have to cross the Khumbu Icefall before reaching the peak. Until now, in 2020, only a group of Chinese trekkers from the north-Tibet region have reached the summit after which other excursions stood canceled.